St. Eloi's Council of Catholic Women
✞We are Catholic Women United in Prayer, Study, & Service and are proud to be a part of this parish family in service to God.
As we come together on our journey through this year and strive to become the "Best Versions of Ourselves" let us ask, "How can I serve?"
Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel Patroness of the National Council of Catholic Women
God of Heavenly Wisdom, You have given us Mary, Mother of Jesus, to be our guide and counselor. Grant that we may always seek her motherly help in this life and so enjoy her blessed presence in the life to come.
Oh, Mother of Good Counsel, Patroness of the National Council of Catholic Women, intercede for us, that we may be wise, courageous and loving leaders of the Church.
Help us, dear Mother, to know the mind of Jesus, your Son. May the Holy Spirit fill us with reverence for God’s creation and compassion for all God’s children.
May our labors of love on earth enhance the reign of God and may God’s gifts of faith and living hope prepare us for the fullness of the world to come. Amen.✞
*** Your leadership is needed!
We hold parish meetings quarterly. We are Catholic Women United in Prayer, Study, & Service and are proud to be a part of this parish family in service to God.
Please prayerfully consider coming forward and taking a position. We are all instruments of God’s work.
Please contact the CCW Officers about helping where needed.
Websites and Readings to Enrich Your CCW Experience
New Ulm Diocese Council of Catholic Women

Council Of Catholic Women Commissions
The commissions of the Council of Catholic Women propose, initiate and plan programs in the diocesan level.
These programs, in turn, are adapted to the use in the regional and parish organizations, to areas of need and concern in their parish and community.
It is among the parish women that the action and work is done. This position of leadership and service is an opportunity to serve the people of our parish
and to be an instrument of God's work.
Spirituality Commission
Commission Chair - (open)
Spirituality Commission includes Church and Legislation programs that offer women opportunities for spiritual development through prayer, scripture and liturgy.
The teachings of the church as they relate to public issues and pending legislation:
-Holy Hour for Vocations
-Shepherd of the Field
-Rosary before Mass in October and May
-Advocacy on Local, State and National Levels
-Encourage voting in local election
-Letter writing to Legislators
Service Commission
Commission Chair - Mary Ann E. - (Co-Chair open)
Service Commission includes Family, Community and International Concerns. Aim is to assist families in achieving a truly Christian life and to bring Christ to others while working in the community. Also reaching out to the world by fostering peace through programs such as Catholic Relief Services.
-Family Life and Prayer
-White Ribbon Against Pornography' Family Health Issues
-Domestic Violence
-Nursing Home Birthday Parties
-San Lucas Toliman Mission in Guatemala
Leadership Commission
Commission Chair - (Past President -Darla T.)
Leadership Commission aims to strengthen and assist the entire organization to help women understand its structure, purpose and membership responsibility through:
-NUDCCW/ NCCW websites
-Promotion and Development
-Available Resources
-Training/Leadership Development
Historian Commission
Commission Chair - (Rita E.)
Record parish community life, emphasizing growth in relationship with God and one another through prayer, enrichment and service.
-Responsible for presenting a summary of parish activities at the quarterly meeting.
-Keep record of parish organization activities. Save clippings, pictures, etc. of parish events and arrange in parish scrapbook.
-Save weekly bulletins, and bind in a book at year's end.
-Save all diocese and regional bulletins that have been a resource to our parish for inclusion in parish scrapbook.