St. Edward's Council of Catholic Women

CCW BAnner

​​President - Bonnie Laleman 828-5703  --  1st Vice President - Mary Myhre 828-2521

Secretary - Caren Buysse​ 872-6346  --  Treasurer - Juanita Bot - 872-6545 / 828-9460

Diocese of New Ulm CCW

CCW News - Our next scheduled meeting is Mon, Oct 3rd, 2022 at 6:30pm

Deanery 2 Fall Gathering - Sept 19th in Canby

St. Edward CCW Service Commission (Jan Bot is chairperson) is sponsoring supply drives that will benefit some of our local services as well as reaching those further away. Now we would like to add the "One More Time" thrift store.

"One More Time" is doing well but if you would like to help them out in ways other than working at the store, some frequently used supplies would be welcome. Price stickers (without prices already printed on them), masking tape, tags with connectors, paper towels, toilet paper, glass cleaner, and baggies of all sizes. Hangers for children's size clothing are also needed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Barb Guttormsson at 872.6931 or Brenda Verschelde at 507.317.9975. Thank you, especially to our "One More Time" volunteers!

For our new 2022-2023 Council of Catholic Women year, one of our diocesan service projects is Father Bruno Santiago's well project in India.  Fr. Bruno is a New Ulm Diocesan priest based in Fairfax and serving the All Saints AFC.  In the 10-minute video link included above, Fr. Bruno explains the need for the well at the Monastery he is from in southern India as well as the three stages of development.  
The history of St. Edward CCW supporting the diocesan service project/s is that the money we make at our North Pole Extravaganza's bake sale is utilized for these projects.  However, if someone individually is interested in making a donation that too is accepted and appreciated.
Please let Jan Bot know if you have any questions.  If you would like to make a personal donation, let her know and she will assist you with that.

CCW – Little Dresses for Africa Supply Drive

“The Little Dresses for Africa” organization is asking for assistance sewing dresses and shorts for the needy in places such as Africa and Haiti.

Donations for the following supplies are needed.

100% cotton fabric in ½ yard for shorts (boys) and 1 ½ yard for dresses (girls)

¾ inch or 1 inch wide elastic – any color

White all purpose or polyester thread

Wal-Mart or Hobby Lobby gift cards

Donations can be dropped off in the back of the church in the Little Dresses for Africa box. Thanks for helping!

Little Dresses for Africa